What Happens During Your Pet’s Overnight Stay at Animal Surgical Center?

Nicole, Licensed Veterinary Technician, providing attentive care to a patient at Animal Surgical Center.

Article Release: Issue 7Release Date: August 7, 2024Written By: Laura Hernandez, Veterinary Assistant Your Pet’s Overnight Care at Animal Surgical Center: A Focus on Comfort and Safety Dropping off your best friend at the hospital, especially for an overnight stay, can be a nerve-wracking experience. Many pet parents worry about what happens to their pet…

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A 20 Week Old Puppy Overcomes Patent Ductus Arteriosus (PDA)

Animal Surgical Center Blog Img 1

Article Release: Issue 6Release Date: July 24, 2024Written By: Dr. Tomas Infernuso DVM, DACVS At Animal Surgical Center (ASC), we pride ourselves on delivering exceptional veterinary care through collaboration, expertise, and dedication. Recently, our team successfully performed a complex surgery on a 20-week-old puppy named Cooper diagnosed with Patent Ductus Arteriosus (PDA). This remarkable achievement…

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Beyond 9-5: Animal Surgical Center’s Unwavering Dedication to Animal Rescue

Animal Surgical Center's Unwavering Dedication to Animal Rescue

Article Release: Issue 3Release Date: June 12, 2024Written By: Dr. Tomas Infernuso DVM, DACVS & Veterinary Assistant Alyssa Rodriguez Dedication to Animal Welfare Around the Clock At Animal Surgical Center (ASC) in Oceanside, New York, our commitment transcends the typical 9-5 workday. As dedicated veterinary surgeons, licensed veterinary assistants, and animal welfare advocates, we play…

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Introducing Our Blog, Surgical Pathway to Health

Surgical Pathway To Healthy, A New Blog By Animal Surgical Center

Article Release: Issue 1Release Date: May 15, 2024Written By: Karla A. Hojas Welcome to the inaugural blog post of Animal Surgical Center (ASC), where our profound passion for saving animal lives drives everything we do. We’re thrilled to introduce you to our dedicated team, our mission, and our unwavering commitment to providing exceptional care for…

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